Fello is India’s first fintech platform that bridges the gap between certified finance experts & retail investors like you.
This is the place where you get expert opinion & analysis on everything related to finance.
We have domain experts for:
- Personal finance
- Retirement planning
- Wealth creation
- Tax planning
- Stock buy & sell
- Mutual fund planning
- And multiple others
So explore the app, watch experts live, ask them questions & book your FREE call to get a detailed portfolio analysis or finance advice from certified experts.
How It Works:
Using Fello is very-very simple. India’s best certified experts are just a click away from you.
All you have to do is:
- Watch the Live session or view the profile of expert that you want to connect with
- Get a sense of their expertise & your requirements
- Then proceed to book your first FREE call.
- Discuss your goals & issues plus get your portfolio analysed
- And finally watch your wealth grow exponentially
So explore the app & book your first FREE call now.